In nomine Pauli, tua itinera celeria et sine periculo sint.

In the name of Paulus, may your journeys be swift and without danger.

Potestate tributa est in me...1

By the power vested in me...

In nomine unius veri Dei...

In the name of the one true God...

Portae aperuerunt semitam ad tenebras quae solum lux Pancreatoris potest vincere.

The gates have opened a pathway to the darkness that only the light of the Pancreator can overcome.

Et (in) hominum ultima hora tenebrae devoraverunt omnia animalia malum vincat terram. At sci (plural is scite) hunc, eius lux est potens et prodet novam inceptionem omnibus qui sequuntur eum et habent eum in altissimis (or excelsis).

And in humanity's last hour the darkness engulfed all living creatures as evil overcame the land. But know this, his light is strong and shall bring forth a new beginning for all who follow him and hold him in the highest.

Blasphema veneratio technologiae2 est scelus superbiae divino ducente Pancreatoris et isti qui stant sontes facientur reum ob peccata ab eius vigilibus.

The blasphemous worship of technology is a crime of hubris under the Pancreator's divine guidance and those who stand guilty shall be held accountable for their sins by his watchers.

Hic est sanctus locus sub praesidium Pancreatoris. Violatores eius voluntatis prohibentur ab ingressionem. Abi (plural is abite) et age (plural is agite) paenitentiam3 tuorum peccatorum.

This is a holy place under the protection of the Pancreator. Violators of his will are barred entry. Leave and repent of your sins.

In nomine Pancreatoris, relinque (plural is relinquite) tua tela et dede (plural is dedite).

In the name of the Pancreator, relinquish your weapons and surrender.

Pancreator misereat4 tuae animae.

May the Pancreator have mercy upon your soul.

Ecclesia non habet monopolium de scientia et est superbia quae obscurat tuam mentem in cogitantem habet.

The church does not hold a monopoly on knowledge and it is hubris that clouds your mind into thinking that it does.

Haec regio est sub potestate (X) et ingredi5 in alienum fundum sine domini permissu est scelus puniendum morte.

This area is under the control of (X) and trespassing is a crime punishable by death.

Inquisitio habet nullam jurisdictionem hic.

The Inquisition has no jurisdiction here.

Inquisitio habet nullam jurisdictionem in talibus rebus.

The Inquisition has no jurisdiction in such matters.

Looking for an introductory book to Latin? Take a look at the book that my alma mater used for students Wheelock's Latin.
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